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July 7, 2008
Salem Public Schools
Regular School Committee Meeting
Monday, July 7, 2008
7:00 p.m.

                Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee Meeting 6:00 p.m.
                Agenda: After School Programs Survey
                           Statements of Interest for MSBA

I.      Call of Meeting to Order

II.     Approval of the Agenda

IV.     Deliberation on the Approval of the Minutes of the
6/16/08 School Committee Meeting

V.      Questions and Comments from the Audience

VI.     Superintendent Report – Dr. William Cameron

VII.    Administrative Reports –

A       Curriculum Report     Alyce Davis

B       Finance Report John Danizio

        a.      Deliberation on the School Department Warrant:

June 19, 2008, 2008 in the amount of $56,969.40

                        b.      Budget Transfer Request


IX.     Action Items

a.      Deliberation on the approval of the submission of the statement of interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority for the Collins Middle School and the Saltonstall School

b.      Deliberation for the recommendation on the priorities for the Statements of Interest for the Collins Middle School and the Saltonstall School to the MSBA

c.      Deliberation on the acceptance of $125,000 donation from the Read Trust for Salem High School

d.      Deliberation on the approval of the changes to the Student Handbook for the Nathaniel Bowditch School

e.      Deliberation on the acceptance of the donation in the amount of $1,000 from  Tuttle  & Company for the Rebel Shakespeare Company Artist In Residence program at the Saltonstall School

XI.     School Committee Reports

Personnel                               Curriculum                              Policy                                  Finance         
Buildings and Grounds                   Special Education

XII.    School Committee Concerns and Resolutions

XIII.   Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the
7/7/08 agenda

XIV.    Adjournment